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Social Media



3.9 billion people use social media worldwide. Users spend an average of 4 hours per day on social media. This means by having a social media presence for your business is almost essential for your brand. 

Complete branding is so much more than just re-vamping your logo. You need to stand out. Competitor research will help us design your brand. 

Jumping on the bandwagon of every single social media platform isn’t our style. In fact, some of the biggest social platforms may not even bring anything to your business. We understand the need for a social media management strategy which informs, engages and converts within your audience.



Need models/promotions for your brand? Partner with our content creators and harness their influence. Creators are experts in producing content they know will make an impact on their followers. 

We are dedicated to connecting brands with content creators. 


With over 4.5 million combined reach of just our diamond talent alone, and over 1500 members (micro influencers), we are confident that IRL Influencers can help your brand flourish.

How Can Social Media help you?

It's an essential piece of your marketing strategy. It helps you connect with people, create brand awareness and boosts traffic to your website. With over three billion users worldwide, social media is sky-rocketing in popularity so it only makes sense to follow the trend.

How Can We Help Your Brand?

If you don't know anything about social media or have time to run it, we have a dedicated team to connect your brand with the power of social media. Our team of growth experts focus on a variety of brands. You can achieve a 4.5% higher conversion rate through user-generated content from social platforms.

An Engaging Social Media Strategy


We will have a look around your current social media accounts and will identify the areas which could benefit from a sophisticated, targeted social strategy. From audience analysis to a visual re-vamp and social brand management, we’re able to take away the worry of you having to run your own socials.


The Objectives

Analysing Competitors


We will compare your existing social presence to similar brands to figure out where we need to focus on the most! Integrated with our knowledge of both social media and your business, we’re able to give you a clear visual of where we can take your brand.


Identifying Your Audience

In order to target the right people on social media, we will need to identify your target audience. Using our research, our team will construct your target audience and use it to help market your brand.


Ad Campaigns

Once the strategy has been decided, our team of social media experts will get down to business! We can create weekly social media schedules with daily updates and social growth. We will also draft out any adverts we plan to run using your target audience.


Building Campaigns

The hard work begins here - this is when our team's research & development of your campaign strategy gets put into practice. You will still own all your social accounts- we will simply just oversee the activity on your behalf.


Social Optimisation

Our team will take a look through your social media profiles on the various platforms and implement updates & amend the accounts to help grow your visibility and engagement.


Ad Campaigns

Social Community

Using creativity & data, our social media team are here to help you achieve social success. And with 86% of consumers preferring authenticity & honesty on social media, we can assure to always have your brand’s values as a priority.

Our social media management strategies are tested considerately. We aim to make your brand stand out from the crowd. With the use of social media, we’re certain to help you grow your brand.



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Analysing Competitors

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